(647) 435-0152 info@mahayahealth.com

Our Approach to Psychotherapy

At Mahaya Health Services, we understand that your mental health is correlated with the sum of your experiences. Your experiences are simply what has happened to you; they are not what’s “wrong” with you. We commit to maintaining a non-judgmental, curious, and compassionate environment to help you understand why you feel the way you feel. When exploring your most vulnerable feelings and experiences, our aim is to help you deepen your capacity for self-care and self-compassion. We recognize that healing happens in the context of relationships. In therapy, our clients build a relationship with themselves, but also with their therapist. For this reason, our process is deeply collaborative and grounded in mutual respect, empathy, and non-judgmental listening. We also strive to hold a safe space for our clients that allow them to embrace every facet of their identity and facilitates reflection, insight, and greater awareness of themselves and others.

Why Choose Mahaya for Psychotherapy?

Our multi-disciplinary healthcare practitioners are committed to supporting you on your journey toward better health.

If you have questions about appointments or procedures due to COVID-19 please contact us or your practitioner directly.


We are a client-centred practice and we offer a compassionate and safe space for you to become curious about your symptoms, and how they may be impacting your life.


We offer a non-pathologizing approach. In our practice, we encourage a deep level of self-compassion and self-care when dealing with difficult symptoms.


We acknowledge the impacts of collective and individual traumas on one’s physical and mental health. We believe that experiences of racism, sexism, homophobia, and colonialism affect all of us on multiple levels.

Interested in Booking an Appointment?

It’s important for us to know that we’re a good fit for working together. That’s why we offer a complimentary initial consultation with each of our therapists. Our About Us page can help you decide which practitioner best suits your needs, goals, and expectations. If you’re interested in meeting with a member of our team, feel free to send us an email with any questions or to schedule a consultation.

Start creating a healthier life in body and mind