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Water therapy – It’s cool (and warm)!


It is the time of year where we can often start to feel a bit under the weather. Sniffles and coughs start to pop up, fatigue sets in, and before you know it – BAM! You’re feeling awful and reeling with a cold that takes days to recover from. During this cold and flu season, it’s important to continue hygiene practices that prevent spreading of germs, like washing your hands often with soap and water, and covering your mouth when coughing and sneezing.

But did you know there’s an easy way to boost your immune system just by changing the way you shower?

The contrast shower is a an effective water therapy treatment that is great for preventing colds and flus and can be done easily at home!

How does the contrast shower work?

Contrast showers use alternating water temperatures for short intervals of time. The use of  hot water brings more blood to the surface of your skin as your blood vessels warm up from the water. The cold that follows then does the opposite – it initially shrinks your blood vessels, sending blood away from the area being showered. During the cold interval, however, your body sends more blood to the cold area to warm it up. Cycles of hot and cold water create this “pumping” action which boosts your blood circulation and immune system, and promotes natural removal of bodily toxins. When done regularly, the result is improved resistance from infections and quicker recovery times when you do become sick.

Alternating hot and cold showers can also improve the following:

How to do a Contrast Shower:


Important – Consult your naturopathic doctor before starting treatment if you have any of the following:

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